Tuesday, July 23, 2019

iBoot Download Free for Mac OSX Installation on Intel Based PC

iBoot Download Free is a useful program by tonymacx86 for installing Mac OSX on any Intel-based PC or Laptop. It supports through the processors like Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 and some older processors like Pentium 4, Core 2 Duo, and CoreDuo also. But iBoot Download Free is still not supporting through AMD processors. So make sure you check the compatibility.

iBoot versions

  • iBoot 3.3.0
  • iBoot Haswell 1.0.1
  • iBoot Ivy Bridge 1.1.0
  • iBoot Legacy 2.7.2

What are the necessities for iBoot Download Free MultiBeast Method?

Having the right preparation before the process is very important to get with trouble- free execution. So here we are presenting you the instructions to prepare yourself for the process.

  • A PC or Laptop featuring an Intel based processor like Core i3, i5, i7, CoreDuo, PIV or Core 2 Duo as they has successfully tested for results
  • A blank CD or DVD in order to install iBoot and MultiBeast program
  • Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard DVD to install (The retail DVD that you can purchase from the Apple Online Store safely)

For additional support and knowledge we recommend everyone follow through iBoot Download free to follow TonyMAC86 forum. There you will meet more people coming for the same purpose and discussing a lot of up to date facts sharing more knowledge. In fact, there you will get more troubleshooting support.

How to prepare the PC for Mac OSX installation with iBoot Download Free?

  • You should not go with multiple graphic cards or monitors. So remove all the extra graphic cards and monitors and verify that your only prepared Graphic card is plugged into the 1st PCIe slot.
  • Keep only the blank hard disk for where you are going to install Mac OS Snow Leopard here and remove all other hard disks.
  • Have only the Keyboard and mouse for USB connections and get rid of the others.
  • And finally, have a complete backup of data before going through the execution as this is important to run the changes without any data loss.

How to use iBoot Download for Mac OSX installation?

The process comes in various sections. So here we are giving all the guidelines in the easiest and summarized way. Hope you will get the easiest approaches.

Step 1: Changes in BIOS Settings
  • Load the default BIOS settings
  • Set the CD ROM and take in the Boot Priority list
  • Remove the connection to extreme hard drive (XDH function)
  • Make the ACPI suspend type as S3 (STR)

Step 2: Mac OS X installation
The rest of the process is simple as it required to follow iBoot Download and burn the program on a CD to continue with the installation of MAC OSX on the Intel based PC or laptop. Make sure you choose the right iBoot Download Free version for the CPU type.
  • Follow iBoot Download Free from our https://www.ibootdownload.com site
  • Get into burning iBoot program to the CD/ DVD you have above prepared
  • Make sure to restart the PC while the CD is in
  • When the Boot prompt screen appears, get the CD

Step 3: Continue inserting the Mac OSX Snow Leopard DVD in the CD ROM and press F5 to get going
Step 4: With that command, the screen will come differently. Then you are ready to go with “Enter”.

Step 5: Once the installation screen appears, visit Utilities/ Disk Utility.

Step 6: Then, Partition the Hard Drive into the GUID Panel Table.

Step 7: Here you need to setup the Hard Drive to Mac OS Extended.

Step 8: Now close Disk Utility when the installer asks you to state where the installation should go. The, select Snow Leopard and pick Customize only and uncheck all the other extra options before the execution. So you can experience faster execution. Make sure to restart the PC.

Step 9: Relocate iBoot in the Drive.

Step 10:  In the boot selection screen process the new Snow Leopard installation and enjoy the new features.

Developer Thanks

Are you looking to change your Windows into Mackintosh experience? It is the call for iBoot Download free which is considered the best program that installs Mac OSX into Intel based PC or Laptop. And for all these, thanks go to developer tonymacx86. We could expect more updates in the time ahead with better compatibility.

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